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Our research related to MTSS is ongoing. Scroll to read more about current research projects and MTSS related publications. 

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Antiracism and MTSS

Dr. Edirmanasinghe, Dr. Goodman-Scott & Dr. Smith-Durkin wrote an article in Professional School Counselor about how to incorporate anti-racism within MTSS and interrogate systems in schools.

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Antiracism and MTSS

Dr. Jennifer Betters-Bubon, Dr. Rebecca PIanta and Dr. Damien Sweeney created a model and subsequent paper about how self reflection and critical awareness of bias and privilege serves as the basis to all MTSS work.

School Counseling and MTSS Alignment Instrument

Drs. Goodman-Scott, Olsen and Betters-Bubon are piloting an instrument to help school counselors examine strengths and areas of future growth in the alignment of school counseling programs and MTSS. 

Empty Classroom

Phenomenological studies of Universal Screening

Drs. Goodman-Scott, Donohue and Betters-Bubon interviewed school based mental health teams on their experiences with Universal Screening.One study s published and the other is in press!

Researching and Writing

Other Research

Our group collaborates to publish additional MTSS research. Click on any of the download buttons to read these studies.

Conference Presentations

We regularly present our research and work with districts at regional and national conferences. Find us at the:

  • American School Counselor Conference (ASCA)

  • Evidence Based School Counseling Conference (EBSCC)

  • American Educational Research Association (AERA)

  • Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES)

  • Annual Conference for Advancing School Mental Health

Collaborative MTSS publications from SC4MTSS (by year)

Goodman-Scott, E., Donohue, P., & Betters-Bubon, J. (2023). A Phenomenological Investigation of Universal Mental Health Screening: Making Meaning for School Counseling. Professional School Counseling, 27(1), 1-12.


Goodman-Scott, E., Edirmanasinghe, N., Moe, J., & Boulden, R. (2022) Assessing the influence of MTSS training on school counselors' perceptions of school counseling activities: Results of a national study. Professional School Counseling.

Tillery, C. A., Crane, E., & Goodman-Scott, E. (2022). Tiered supports for the Class of 2021 in unprecedented times: A high school counseling department's journey. Professional School Counseling., 26 (1b), 1-10.

Goodman-Scott, E., & Ziomek-Daigle, J. (2022). School counselors’ leadership experiences in Multi-tiered Systems of Support: A phenomenological investigation. Educational Practice & Theory, 44(1), 75-94.


Edirmanasinghe, N., Goodman-Scott, E., Smith-Durkin, S., & Tarver, S. Z. (2022). Supporting All Students: Multitiered Systems of Support from an Antiracist and Critical Race Theory Lens. Professional School Counseling, 26(1), 1-12.


Betters-Bubon, J., Pianta, R., Sweeney, D., & Goodman-Scott, E. (2022). Antiracism Starts With Us: School Counselor Critical Reflection Within an Multitiered Systems of Support Framework. Professional School Counseling, 26(1), 1-14.

Edirmanasinghe, N. A., Attia, M., Brant-Rajahn, S., & Staton, A. R. (2022). Working with Immigrant Children in Schools: Applying a Multi-Tiered Approach. Journal of Child and Adolescent Counseling, 1-13.

Goodman‐Scott, E., & Ziomek‐Daigle, J. (2022). School counselors’ leadership experiences in multi‐tiered systems of support: Prioritizing relationships and shaping school climate. Journal of Counseling & Development, 100(3), 266-277.

Goodman-Scott, E., McMahon, G., Kalkbrenner, M. T., Smith-Durkin, S., Patel, S., Czack, A., & Weeks, N. (2021). An Ex Post Facto Study Examining Implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Across School and Community Variables From an Inclusive Innovation Perspective. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 1-11.


Kalkbrenner, M. & Goodman-Scott, E. (2021). Peer-to-peer mental health support: Validating scores on the mental distress response scale with high school students. Professional School Counseling, 25(1), 1-9. 


Kalkbrenner, M., Goodman-Scott, E., & Neukrug, E. (2020). Validation of high school students’ scores on the Revised Fit, Stigma, and Value Scale: Implications for school counseling screening. Professional School Counseling, 23(1), 1-10. 

Goodman-Scott, E., Hays, D. G., & Cholewa, B. (2018). “It takes a village:” A case study of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports implementation in an exemplary middle school. The Urban Review, 50(1), 97-122. 

Goodman-Scott, E. & Grothaus, T. (2017a). RAMP and PBIS: “They definitely support one another.” A phenomenological study. Professional School Counseling, 21(1), 119-129. 


Goodman-Scott, E. & Grothaus, T. (2017b). School counselors’ roles in RAMP and PBIS: A phenomenological investigation. Professional School Counseling, 21(1), 130-141. ​

Olsen, J., Parikh-Foxx, S., Flowers, C., & Algozzine, B. (2017). An examination of factors that relate to school counselors’ knowledge and skills in multi-tiered systems of support. Professional School Counseling, 20(1), 159-171.


Betters-Bubon, J., Brunner, T., & Kansteiner, A. (2016). Success for all? The role of the school counselor in creating and sustaining culturally responsive PBIS programs. The Professional Counselor, 6(3), 263-277. 

Ziomek-Daigle, J., Goodman-Scott, E., Cavin, J., & Donohue, P. (2016). Integrating Multi-tiered Systems of Support into Comprehensive School Counseling Programs. The Professional Counselor, 6(3), 220-232. 

Betters-Bubon, J. & Donohue, P. (2016). Professional Capacity Building for School Counselors through School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) Implementation. Journal of School Counseling, 14(3). Retrieved from

Donohue, M., Goodman-Scott, E., & Betters-Bubon, J. (2015). Using Universal Screening for Early Identification of Students at Risk. Professional School Counseling, 19(1), 133-143.   DOI:   


Goodman-Scott, E., Betters-Bubon, J., & Donohue, P. (2015). Aligning Comprehensive School Counseling Programs and Positive Behavioral interventions and Supports to maximize school counselors’ efforts. Professional School Counseling, 19(1), 57-67.  

Goodman-Scott, E. (2014). Maximizing school counselors’ efforts by implementing school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports: A case study from the field. Professional School Counseling, 17, 111-119. 


Goodman-Scott, E., Doyle, B., & Brott, P. (2014). An action research project to determine the utility of bully prevention in Positive Behavior Support for elementary school bullying prevention. Professional School Counseling, 17(1), 120-129. 

Other Seminal Works on MTSS/PBIS

American School Counselor Association (2021). The professional school counselor and multi-tiered systems of support. ASCA Position Statements. Alexandria, VA: Author. 

Belser, C. T., Shillingford, M. A., & Joe, J. R. (2016). The ASCA model and a multi-tiered system of supports: A framework to support students of color with problem behavior. The Professional Counselor, 6(3), 251-262.

Cressey, J. M., Whitcomb, S. A., McGilvray-Rivet, S. J., Morrison, R. J., & Shander-Reynolds, K. J. (2014). Handling PBIS with care: Scaling up to school-wide implementation. Professional School Counseling, 18(1), 90-99.

Curtis, R., Van Horne, J. W., Robertson, P., & Karvonen, M. (2010). Outcomes of a school-wide positive behavioral support program. Professional School Counseling, 13(3), 159-164.

Harrington, K., Griffith, C., Gray, K., & Greenspan, S. (2016). A grant project to initiate school counselors' development of a multi-tiered system of supports based on social-emotional data. The Professional Counselor, 6(3), 278-294.

Mayes, R. D., & Byrd, J. A. (2022). An antiracist framework for evidence-informed school counseling practice. Professional School Counseling, 26(1a), 2156759X221086740.

Martens, K., & Andreen, K. (2013). School counselors’ involvement with a school-wide positive behavior support intervention: Addressing tudent behavior issues in a proactive and positive manner. Professional School Counseling, 16, 313-322.

Ockerman, M. S., Mason, E. M., & Hollenbeck, A. F. (2012). Integrating RTI with school counseling programs: Being a proactive professional school counselor. Journal of School Counseling, 10(15). 

Ryan, T. & Kaffenberger, C. (2011). Response to intervention: An opportunity for school counselor leadership. Professional School Counseling, 14(3), 211-221. 

Sherrod, M., Getch, Y. Q., & Ziomek-Daigle, J. (2009). The impact of positive behavior support to decrease discipline referrals with elementary students. Professional School Counseling, 12(6), 421-427.

Sink, C. A. (2016). Incorporating a multi-tiered system of supports into school counselor preparation. The Professional Counselor, 6(3), 203-219.

ASCA Conference Attendee

This was the best sectional I went to at this conference. I could have gone to a whole day training on this subject. Thank you for the work you do on MTSS, I left feeling good knowing that I have a lot of things in place that fall into the MTSS category. I can’t wait to read the book!

EBSCC Conference Attendee

Loved the focus on antiracism and culturally sustaining elements in MTSS

ASCA Conference Attendee

Enjoyed how you aligned the ideas of MTSS and the work school counselors do. Appreciated the discussion on cultural awareness and how to make sure our common expectations and language are relevant to our communities and the students and families we work with!

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